

In the mid 1800’s Pedda Ramanjulu and his wife Nagama received the wells of hope brought over from North America by missionaries Samuel Day and John E Clough, who worked under William Carey’s team. Pedda Ramanjulu in turn,  began to bridge whatever barriers  in order to give wells of hope to his community.
Josiah, Pedda Ramanjulu’s son, went to America to attend Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Now Palmer University). There he studied theology. Josiah continued the tradition of building bridges, as well as his children that walked in his  footsteps by attending the same university. His children dedicated their lives in giving the Gospel to their respective communities. 
Richard, Josiah’s son, continued the tradition of giving wells of hope. He followed the footsteps of his father too, by sending his children to America. Richard worked among the outcast of society, unlike his relatives before him. 
JaysinghPeterpaul, Richard’s son, the founder of YBBI has decided to continue the family legacy before him. YBBI, Yeshu Building Bridges Inc., is focusing it’s efforts in Andhra Pradesh, but not limited to. His son is working on expanding YBBI in the Caribbean.